Showing 289–304 of 853 results

  • FTD Florist Designed Bouquet


    Cant decide on which bouquet to send? Let the florist design something special using the seasons best flowers. This bouquet will arrive beautifully arranged in a glass vase and reflect the amount you have spent.

  • FTD Flowing Garden Basket


    A beautiful bouquet to say you’ll never forget them. Yellow roses, lilies and sunflowers are sweetly arranged with eucalyptus and other greens in a basket. Approx. 18H x 18W

  • FTD Fond Reflections Tribute


    The FTD Fond Reflections Tribute is a lovely way to commemorate the life of the deceased. Arranged in the symbol of Freemasonry are white and yellow chrysanthemums and lush greens accented wtih a Styrofoamandreg Masonic Blue Lodge Emblem, and a royal blue

  • FTD Glowing Ray Arrangement


    Luscious yellow blooms – roses, carnations, snapdragons, and spider chrysanthemums – are beautifully composed and accented by Bells of Ireland. Let this splendid arrangement express your utmost sympathies. Appropriate for funeral home or memorial service.

  • FTD Glowing Ray Standing Heart


    The FTD Glowing Ray Standing Heart is an exquisite way to show your love and affection for the deceased. A collection of sunlit blooms, including yellow roses, freesia, mini calla lilies and button poms are accented with green hydrangea, white chrysanthem

  • FTD Graceful Tribute Arrangement


    When searching for an appropriate bouquet for the home, this all white lily, rose, and gladiolus arrangement is an excellent choice. This one-sided design drapes gracefully from a table edge or mantletop. Approx. 10H x 34W

  • FTD Greater Glory Bouquet


    The FTD Greater Glory Bouquet is an inspiring way to honor the life of a soldier at their final memorial. White Asiatic lilies, red tulips and blue iris are arranged in a tiered fashion and seated in a red glass vase accented with a red, white and blue ri

  • FTD Happy Memories Standing Spray


    The FTD Happy Memories Standing Spray celebrates a life full of friendship and love. Yellow roses and mini carnations are offset by white chrysanthemums and lush greens beautifully arranged in an oval design and accented with a yellow satin ribbon. Stan

  • FTD Heartfelt Condolences Casket Adornment


    The FTD Heartfelt Condolences Casket Adornment is a sweet accent piece to honor the life of the deceased at their memorial service. Blushing pink roses, tulips, double lisianthus and mini carnations are brought together to create a delicately beautiful bo

  • FTD Heartfelt Ribbon Easel


    The FTD Heartfelt Ribbon Easel is a beautiful, vibrant symbol of the ongoing fight against heart disease to be displayed at their final farewell service. Red carnations are elegantly shaped into the shape of a ribbon to create a presentation of hope durin

  • FTD I’m Sorry Bouquet


    Apology accepted. Because no one can resist such a precious peace offering. Our mellow green ceramic container holds a bevy of pink alstroemeria, mini carnations, lavender daisy poms and Monte Casino aster along with white Asiatic lilies, and ties up y

  • FTD Lily Rose Wreath


    Elegant and striking presentation — lilies, roses and mini carnations are artfully arranged in this sophisticated wreath. Appropriate for the funeral service, this arrangement is delivered and displayed on an easel. Approx. 28h x 28w

  • FTD Little Miss Pink Bouquet


    Is there anything sweeter than a new baby girl, opening her eyes to the world and all it has to offer? Celebrate with mom and dad and congratulate them on their little one with a flower bouquet that blooms with warm wishes, bringing together lavender rose

  • FTD Long Stem White Rose Bouquet


    The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift. This white rose bouquet is accented with seeded eucalyptus and arranged in a simple glass vase. Standard rose bouquet includes 12 stems. Ap

  • FTD Loved Honored and Remembered Bouquet by Hallmark


    A remarkable way to send peaceful, loving thoughts to your recipient as they grieve the loss of a loved one, The FTD Loved, Honored and Remembered Bouquet by Hallmark is the perfect sympathy gesture. White roses, Asiatic Lilies, hydrangea and Peruvian Lil

  • FTD Loving Remembrance Basket


    A beautiful remembrance — in shades of pink, yellow and soft blue, accented with sprigs of green, this bouquet conveys your deepest sympathies. Appropriate for the funeral service or family residence. Approx. 20h x 26w

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