Showing 1–16 of 22 results

  • 23K Gold Belgian Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries – FedEx


    23K Gold Belgian Dark Chocolate Berries are the ultimate treat. Reserved for only the most special occasion, these elegant and tasty berries are the luxurious treat they’ve been waiting for.

  • Best Day Bouquet Set of 3


    Make someone’s day with three fresh colorful bouquets of sunflowers, snapdragons, and lilies. Each arrangement is designed cohesively to decorate the festivities beautifully.

  • Enchanted Love Bouquet


    Deliver the wow factor with these captivating stems artfully arranged to evoke all the emotions, whether it is for a special occasion or simply to remind someone how special they are.

  • Forever in Love Bouquet


    Much like you and your special someone, red and pink is a match made in heaven. Our Forever in Love Rose Bouquet is the perfect array of traditional beauty and unique freshness. With each bouquet handcrafted just for them, it’s a gift unlike any other.

  • In Bloom Bouquet


    The In Bloom Bouquet is a classic and stylish arrangement that is perfect for any special occasion. This bouquet features a beautiful combination of red and lavender blooms, including roses, alstroemeria and carnations, arranged in a stunning display. The

  • Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet


    You can’t go wrong with The Long Stem Red Rose Bouquet – a timeless and iconic expression of love and romance. This bouquet features long stemmed red roses in a glass vase, hand-delivered by a local florist, making it a truly personal and special gift. Re

  • Long Stem White Rose Bouquet


    White roses are elegant, luminous, and beautifully accent any room. With a gorgeous selection of crisp white roses among fresh greenery, this bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a way to say, I’m thinking of you.

  • Love at First Sight Bouquet


    Swoon over these standout stems in the Love at First Sight Bouquet, featuring the classics like roses, lilies, and carnations, artfully arranged by your local florist.

  • Love Bug Belgian Chocolate – Covered Oreos – FedEx


    Catch the lovebug this Valentine s Day and share these sweets with your crush. Each Oreo cookie is dipped in decadent Belgian dark, milk or white chocolate and dressed in festive decorations that will make them feel extra loved this Valentine s Day.

  • Love Bug Belgian Chocolate – Covered Strawberries and Cake Pops – FedEx


    Indulge in adorably decorated Love Bug Chocolate-Covered Strawberries and Cake Pops. Great to grab and amp;amp; go, the six chocolate-covered strawberries and six cheesecakes pops are party favorites that will get you into the Valentine s spirit with th

  • Love Letter Chocolate – Covered Strawberries – FedEx


    Say it with sweets this Valentine’s Day by sending out Love Letter Chocolate Strawberries to that person you can’t get off your mind. A dozen fresh strawberries will arrive dipped in decadent dark, milk, or white chocolate with either a red chocolate driz

  • One Dozen Classic Belgian Chocolate Covered Strawberries – FedEx


    It’s true, everyone loves chocolate covered strawberries. Dipped and decorated in the finest Belgian white, dark and milk chocolate, this gift is fitting for just about any reason

  • Overflowing Love Gift Sets


    Make their heart erupt with the bright blooms of the Light of My Life Bouquet, paired with an I Lava You Lovepop card and/or artisan chocolates.

  • Regal Jewel A Florist Original


    The colors or floral varieties used in this bouquet will vary based on freshness and availability. The Flower Experts at FTD design the Florist Originals Bouquets and are then created by local florists using the finest quality flowers. The actual design y

  • Sending a Garden of Love – FedEx


    These stunning blooming plants are arranged in a gorgeous romantic design that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day. This garden is filled with the most lovely plants, Purple Calla Lily, Pink Orchid, and a Pink Kalanchoe all brought together in a beautiful way,

  • Smitten Pink Rose Bouquet


    Our Smitten Pink Rose Bouquet is the perfect way to say I love you. Whether you’re sending this beauty to a friend, mother, colleague or love, each bursting pink bloom is a fun way to make your affection stand out!

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