Showing 833–848 of 853 results

  • White Rose Bouquet


    The beauty of white roses is unchallenged. Representing innocence, their versatility makes them a favorite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, or even a gift of sympathy.

  • Wild Berry Bouquet


    The best things in life are sweet, vibrant and blooming with freshness. Our Wild Berry Bouquet embodies all that and more with its rich blend of white, pink and purple florals to create the perfect impression.

  • Wildflower Wonder Wreath – FedEx


    A mixture of lush greenery and colorful florals make up this Spring staple wreath. It arrives ready to display, whether on a door, above the mantle, or as a table centerpiece this versatile piece makes a gorgeous gift for the host or something to treat y

  • Wishes and Blessings Bouquet


    An array of blushing pink blooms come together beautifully to express your condolences in our Wishes andamp;amp; Blessings Bouquet. Each bloom is designed to share sympathies and bring comfort to those experiencing sadness during a time of loss.

  • With Sympathy Bereavement Gift Basket – FedEx


    Send caring condolences and healing thoughts with this beautiful gourmet food basket filled heartfelt gourmet snacks such as healing tea, Marich chocolate-covered nuts, savory sausage, and a keepsake healing book.

  • Wonderful Wishes Floral Cake


    The Wonderful Wishes Floral Cake is set to celebrate their birthday with sweet sentiments blooming with chrysanthemums and carnations. Perfectly arranged in the shape and styling of a colorful birthday cake are white chrysanthemums, green button poms, pal

  • Wondrous Memories Bouquet


    The freshness of bright spring flowers brings comfort and peace to those celebrating the beautiful life of someone they lost. Within our Wondrous Memories Bouquet, your messages of sympathy are complemented with bursting tulips, roses, hydrangea and doubl

  • Wondrous Nature Bouquet


    The Wondrous Nature Bouquet is a stunning display of nature’s beauty and color. This bouquet features breathtaking blooms, including Stargazer lilies with their captivating fuchsia petals, blue iris, white traditional daisies, orange mini carnations, and

  • Wreath of Remembrance


    The traditional funeral wreath, beautifully representing the eternal circle of life, is updated for a new era and is beautifully refreshed without losing any of its poignant meaning. This impressive wreath, handcrafted by an FTD artisan florist to deliver

  • XXX Large Peace Lily – FedEx


    Honor and celebrate the live of a loved one with this lovely Peace Lily Plant. Send a gift of serenity and compassion with a peaceful blooming plant.

  • Yellow Brick Road Bouquet


    Transport her to the Land of Oz with this enchanting mix of sunflowers, Sweet William dianthus, and mini carnations.

  • Yellow Calla Lily Plant – FedEx


    No matter the season, a Calla Lily plant is bound to draw attention with their iconic trumpet shaped blooms. Known to symbolize passion and charm this beauty makes a fitting gift for housewarmings, special occasions and just because.

  • Yellow Colors Florist Designed Bouquet


    Can’t decide on which bouquet to send? Let the florist design something special. Using the season’s best flowers, this bouquet will arrive beautifully arranged in a glass vase and reflect the amount you have spent. Bright and ready to cast a ray of sunshi

  • Yellow Mini Rose Plant – FedEx


    Our yellow rose plant shares sunshine with an uplifting abundance of vibrant florals and lush foliage. While it may arrive in its bud-stage, the roses on this plant will bloom beautifully in a short time. Packaged and shipped in a gift box.

  • Yellow Orchid and Welcome Baby Lovepop Pop – Up Card – FedEx


    Welcome their new addition with this unique flowering combo. Our Yellow Orchid and Welcome Baby Lovepop card bundle is the perfect way to congratulate the new parents with a gift that will live on well past the due date as a happy reminder of this special

  • Yellow Rose Bouquet


    Sunny yellow roses are a cheery and wonderful gift. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet of roses with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase. STANDARD bouquet includes 12 stems. Approximately 19H x 15W.

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