Showing 17–32 of 853 results

  • Abundance Casket Spray


    Share serenity and peace with those who have recently lost a loved one with our Abundance Casket Spray. Composed of roses, snapdragons, lilies and hydrangea, this luminous collection of white and ivory hues comes together to create an elegant tribute.

  • Abundant Blooms Garden – FedEx


    Can t choose just one plant Why not indulge yourself or someone special with an entire garden instead! Fit for any occasion this season, this beautiful wooden planter comes brimming with a collection of Calla Lily, Kalanchoes, and Fleurettes.

  • Affection Arrangement


    Contrasting blooms of purple, green and yellow create an original and beautiful expression of sympathy and sorrow, eminently appropriate for celebrating a life that has passed. This stately arrangement handcrafted by a local FTD artisan florist features a

  • All For You Bouquet


    Your recipient always takes care of everyone else – they are thoughtful, they are kind, and they are completely deserving of a special surprise consisting of bright, beautiful blooms. Sunlit yellow Asiatic Lilies, sunflowers, red carnations, red spray ros

  • All-American Tribute Baseball


    The All-American Tribute Baseball is a lovely way to commemorate the life of your loved one. White chrysanthemums and red mini carnations form the shape and likeness of a baseball standing on a piece of lush green moss, to create a wonderful way to rememb

  • Alluring Elegance Bouquet


    An illuminating array of florals brings an air of elegance to any room it’s placed. This arrangement features refined florals like lilies, Queen Anne’s Lace and Veronica in a clear glass vase to add a touch of sophisticated style to your special occasions

  • Always Adored Calla Lily Bouquet


    Elegant, dramatic, understated and sophisticated. This simple bouquet of white calla lilies is bound to make a big impact celebrating a very special life. When it is time to pay tribute to someone whos left behind memories of a big life well-lived, this a

  • Always and Forever Bouquet


    Like a lovely floral hug, this blushing bouquet delivers your sincerest condolences in a way that is sure to comfort the pain of loss. Simple and beautiful, this composition handcrafted by an FTD artisan florist of pink roses and pink Asiatic lilies enhan

  • Always Blooming Bouquet


    This darling bouquet is a thoughtful gift that’s always in season. Our local florists handcraft a mix of lilies, roses, statice, and more in a glass vase to transform this arrangement into a statement piece on any table or entryway.

  • Always Remembered Bouquet


    The Always Remembered Bouquet is a colorful symbol of a life that will never be forgotten. Purple tulips, blue delphinium, lavender mini calla lilies, purple carnations, lavender larkspur and green hydrangea are gorgeously arranged in a clear purple desig

  • Always Smile Luxury Bouquet


    The play of pink against green and white can’t help to bring a mirthful beauty to this stunning bouquet. The blushing swirl of the roses and lisianthus bring a sweet drama to this arrangement offset by clusters of green and cream hydrangea. With a tinted

  • Amber Sunlight Bouquet – FedEx


    Warm and comforting like the afternoon sun in early fall, the Amber Sunlight Bouquet will add a sunny splash to their day.

  • American Football Tribute


    The American Football is a lovely way to commemorate the life of your loved one. Bronze chrysanthemums and white mini carnations form the shape and likeness of a football standing on a piece of lush green moss, to create a wonderful way to remember the de

  • American Glory Bouquet


    The American Glory Bouquet bursts with patriotic pride and heartfelt beauty. Blue delphinium, bright red carnations and mini carnations, and brilliant white Asiatic lilies create a spectacular display arranged amongst American Flags in a round whitewash b

  • Amethyst Dreams Bouquet


    With its soothing color palette and graceful design, the Amethyst Dreams Bouquet is sure to leave a lasting impression and evoke a sense of serenity and beauty.

  • Angel Cross Easel


    The Angels Cross Easel is a graceful tribute to honor the life and faith of the deceased. Pink mini carnations and babys breath are lovingly arranged in the shape of a cross, accented with a pink satin ribbon around the outside and displayed on a wire eas

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