Showing 129–144 of 158 results

  • Southwest Sophistication Dishgarden


    Nothing is more on trend right now than the fascinating foliage of succulent plants! This dishgarden is a nod to everything that we love about the landscapes of the southwest, bringing together a mix of succulents in a rustic square wooden planter lined w

  • Strawberry Patch Bouquet


    They’ll have a field day with this bountiful bouquet full of disbud mums, alstroemeria, carnations, roses, and hypericum berries.

  • Strawberry Swirl Bouquet – FedEx


    A classic combination of pink and green florals is sure to make their day joyful and bright.

  • Succulent Garden and Happy Birthday Lovepop Pop – Up Card – FedEx


    Celebrate their birthday with a succulent surprise! Show a special person in your life just how much you appreciate them with our Succulent Garden paired with a Happy Birthday Lovepop pop up card. This easy care succulent and pop up card is the perfec

  • Summer in the Cape Bouquet


    Summer in the Cape has all the seasons’ favorites like sunflowers, alstroemerias, button pompons and more. Crafted by an expert florist, this arrangement has bold and beautiful colors that remind you of warm days and spending time with the ones you love.

  • Sun Salutation Bouquet


    Greet the morning with fresh yellow snapdragons, white daisies, pink carnations and peach lilies to help you start the day on a sunny note.

  • Sun Salutation Box Bouquet


    Let the sunshine in with our Sun Salutation Box Bouquet. This arrangement features a beautiful mix of white blooms and bold florals.

  • Sunkissed Gerbera Bouquet – FedEx


    This dream of a bouquet is ready to bring a burst of summertime sunshine to any space. A blooming deluxe bunch of assorted gerbera beauties comes with a clear glass vase and arrives straight from the fields to you or your recipient’s door, making it the b

  • Sunlit Centerpiece


    Whether you’re a guest or the one hosting, the Sunlit Centerpiece brings natural beauty to any and every moment. Let your loved ones gather around a gold lantern and a collection of florals featuring lilies, poms, stock and more designed by an expert arti

  • Sunlit Meadows Bouquet


    The Sunlit Meadows Bouquet is a stunning arrangement that brings sunny hues and a variety of flowers to brighten every moment. This fresh from the garden style bouquet features a bright combination of sunflowers, daisy pompons, and spray roses arran

  • Sunny Surprise Bouquet


    One of the best surprises in life is to receive flowers unexpectedly and this flower bouquet is ready to delight your recipient with energy and light in honor of lifes most precious moments or for no reason at all, but to make them smile. Vibrant yellow g

  • Sweet Beginnings Bouquet


    Bringing a blush to their cheeks with each soft, sweet bloom, this stunning spring flower bouquet is ready to surprise and delight your recipient. Clouds of white hydrangea blooms are the base of this arrangement, making the colors of the hot pink roses,

  • Sweet Moments Bouquet


    The Sweet Moments Bouquet is a beautiful collection of flowers that bring a touch of freshness and beauty to any home or office. This gorgeous bouquet features bright orange roses, accented by lush variegated pittosporum and charming white daisy pompons.

  • Sweet Nothings Bouquet


    Dazzle your loved ones with stunning violet and green hues set within a glass cylinder vase. A collection of roses, daisies and statice, our Sweet Nothings Bouquet sends sweet sentiment deep within each bloom.

  • Sweet Perfection Bouquet


    As perfect as a summer day, this flower arrangement has a sweet look and style that is set to delight your recipient with each bold bloom. Bright red gerbera daisies, carnations, mini carnations, and roses catch the eye against a back drop of clean white

  • Sweetberry Box A Florist Original


    The colors or floral varieties used in this bouquet will vary based on freshness and availability. Our Florist Original Bouquets are created by local florists using the finest quality flowers. The actual design you or your recipient will receive will be

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